Saturday, February 11, 2006


I thought I had something really important to write tonight, but I'm going to wait until tomorrow when I am well-rested, among other things. Gotta clear my head...let God take control of my thoughts--hand them over to Him. God has definitely planted some ideas in my head, but they are not fully developed yet.

"Guilt is not from God. Conviction is."

But right now I just feel so guilty...because I definitely stuck my foot in my mouth (so to speak...or type!) tonight. I hate owning up to that! It frustrates me, that's for sure! And just to know that I have failed my friends, that's what makes me most frustrated with myself...because I do love my friends so much. Praise God for His grace. But I am disappointed in myself, that is for sure.

I guess it's just something forcing me to lay down my pride, or another chunk of the infinite mass, at His feet -- and to look at the way He sees me instead of the way my friends do or the way I do.

My God. Forgiving. Gracious. In love with me -- and I can't imagine why.
Because sometimes I do the most stupid things--even to some of the people I care about the most...

How could I be so out of touch. Nope, that's not a question. It's a statement.

Lord, may I rest in your love and assurance as you break me down once again in order to build in me a something lasting...


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