Saturday, February 11, 2006

Here we go again... =)

We are not destroyed, even though our enemy lurks around the earth in such a gentlemanly fashion, looking for someone to devour.

But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved. Hebrews 10:39

In light of the upcoming week (America makes Valentine's day a big dea in JANUARY--something's wrong with that in my opinion, but anyways...)this is a good verse to hang on to mentally, for me. This week, especially, the enemy loves to devour girls especially and to decieve them and make them feel like they aren't good enough for a guy--etc. etc. AD NAUSEUM...
BUT we are not of those, and the Lord is the King of my heart, ha ha this is amazing! I believe in Christ, His sacrifice for my worthless and useless self, and that He loves me supremely and unconditionally, as He does everyone. I want to live for Him daily. Moment by moment. I fail, yes, but the focus is on His doings anyway, not mine. Basically, in light of this week, Christ has saved me from the devil's schemes...not that I won't be tempted, of course...but I am saved from that crap. My security--it's Christ. My love--He is Christ.
I found a cool--maybe cheesy--poem though:

"I love food, especially when it's good.

I love life, especially when it's eternal.

I love rain, especially when it's a lot.

I love fun, especially when it's with someone i love.

I love sarcasm, sure, why not?

I love my family, oh so very much.

I love Jesus Christ, for saving my soul."
-John Elliott

May MY KING be treasured above all else.

I love you Jesus, for saving me.

all smiles, -amanda

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