Sunday, February 12, 2006

are you kidding me.

"To catch the right fish, you have to be the right bait."

So this was on someone's aim profile (yes, proud addict here...) but regardless this just really appalled me. I mean, it's a good friend and everything, but this-ughhhh. Girls, seriously, are you freakin' kidding me?

I guess to me this just implies that finding your spouse or the love of your life is a game, mere chance, like whether or not you catch a fish kind of thing. I'm no fishing conisseur (sp?)...but still. It's the concept that bothers me here.

Sure, play it by chance, throw yourself out into the ocean, so to speak, and see who bites. I'll tell you what's gonna bite, it's gonna be your love live, because it isn't committed to God. This might sound really harsh but this really frustrates me!!!

(Gals, when Jesus said to be fishers of men, this is not what He meant!!!!)

Needless to say, but I will anyways, is that my immature side is coming out here. My apologies, I just have to get this out.

God is the master-planner, the Alpha-Omega. We've trusted Him with our eternity, can't we trust Him with right now and with our earthly futures? Seriously.

Again, I guess it all depends on what you are hoping for in life. I'm hoping to GLORIFY God, even though I fail at it often, it is my goal. It's weird, because I know I can't add to His glory--still trying to figure that one out here. God knows what He's doing here, folks. I trust that He'll put the right man of God (my knight in shining armor--the Armor of God) in my life at the right time if that is His will.

WHERE IS YOUR SECURITY (person that put this quote up)!?!?!?!?!?
--Honestly, you frustrate me. Because I know that you know better and that Jesus is in your life. Make Him your sweetheart, girl. It's worth it, I promise!--

He is King of Kings & King of My Heart.
Ohh something interesting from my Princess' calendar.
"Your HEART is who you are."

So when you "give your heart to Jesus," you are saying "TAKE ALL OF ME!"
Gah look how Valentine's "season" screws some people over. Gah. No pun intended.

I don't want to "catch" any guy. I am not "bait." I am a servant of the Lord, or at least I wish I could call myself that. I am not "jumping into the ocean," so to speak. I guess this does kind of go with the saying "there are more fish in the sea..." which I agree with, but this just seems a little extreme to me, because I know the person who put that blasted quote up.

Lord, I'm handing this over to you. *Whew.* Thank you for being my security. I know I can be so condescending to others. Help me out of this rut. I guess sometimes you convict me so hard and so much about one thing because I am so resistant that I forget that I have to be patient with my fellow sisters -and brothers- in Christ. May they be patient with me, as well, when I don't grasp your truth. asante.

Secondly, bait implies that I'd be a worm. Ha ha -- um no thanks. And I'm sure that whomever God has for me is not slimy with gills and a mouth that is constantly moving. ;-) A little on the more humorous side here.

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."
Psalm 37:4 (I think)

grasping God's grace,

P.S. Congratulations. You're pretty normal by all our standards. Of course, the definition of normal is always changing, and before you know it, you may very well be one of the exceptional exceptions.


sorry. those things can be entertaining and addictive. nobody's normal. but it's funny.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Gals, when Jesus said to be fishers of men, this is not what He meant!!!!

If I could love you any more than I already do, I would after that comment. Needless to say, I'm proud of you.