Monday, February 13, 2006

Don't Go There.

This is something my discipleship leader sent me today.
Definitely needed!!!! God is all the time proving that He is all sufficient (El Shaddai), and He puts whom/what we need in our lives at EXACTLY the right time! Praise Him! He knew I needed to hear (read, I guess :)) this today.

I belong to Jesus. He's all I need...

May the Lord continue to provide me with His strength, I cannot do it alone!!!!

"Show me Your ways, O LORD...
My hope is in You all day long" --Psalm 25

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts..." --Colossians 3

God is too amazing, and I am extremely grateful for the gifts and special blessings that He has given me. Right now. Rejoice--Father THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's all we need, but it's wonderful when He gives us blessings in excess.
"My cup runneth over." Once more, He is MORE than enough for all of me and the skewed person that I am. But I rejoice in His love and that He is a God of grace.
May He still somehow allow me to glorify Him in my life. My ambition--

(This picture--it's what I got when I googled "don't go there." the privacy doesn't have much to do with this blog...oh well. Privacy against the enemy? Mmmm...something to think about I guess.)

Don't Go on His Ground
Let your eyes look forward; fix your gaze straight ahead. - PROVERBS 4:25

Today we look at the issue of sexual experience and its need to be kept within marriage. Some temptations cannot be avoided; some, however, can. Anatole France has a story in which God and the devil are talking of a beautiful young girl. God asks: "How dare you tempt such a lovely creature as that?"

The devil replies: "Well, she came on to my ground." R. W. Everrood tells this story: A young man seeking his fortune was traveling across an oasis at which a beautiful girl sat spinning on a loom. He asked for a drink and she said, "Certainly, providing you let me put these threads around you that I am spinning." He agreed, thinking he could easily brush away the thin gossamer threads as one would brush away a spider's web.

After drinking the water, he fell asleep and awoke to find himself tied by thick, strong cords. And what was more, the beautiful young girl had changed into a disgusting and ugly hag.

The best way to deal with temptation is not to go toward it. Paul's advice to young Timothy was this: "Run from these things" (1 Tm 6:11). John Ruskin says: "No one can honestly ask to be delivered from temptation unless he has honestly and firmly determined to do the best he can to keep out of it." My advice to every unmarried man and woman reading these lines - and married people, too - is this: Keep out of the devil's territory. Don't go on to his ground.

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