Thursday, January 11, 2007


Nehemiah's a record of who helped rebuild the gates of Jerusalem. It may seem meaningless at the first read, but as I've read through Nehemiah I've begun to understand that this description is so important! This whole chapter describes the outcome of Nehemiah's obedience, because if he had given up on the plan God had set out for him, all the people listed in Nehemiah 3 would never be involved in the rebuilding process.

So what's the big deal?

Well, Nehemiah faced a lot of opposition (fortunately with King Artaxerxes' favor). Rebuilding the wall is what "God had put in (Nehemiah's) heart to do for Jerusalem," (2:12). Nehemiah persisted because He was sure of God's plan and that God would carry him through such opposition. The amazing rebuilding of the Jerusalem walls happened because Nehemiah listened to God and he took action with what God laid on his heart! Chapter 3, as a result, lists all the people that worked for the Lord as a result of Nehemiah's obedience and faith. Wow.

So, my proposal is this:

*Prayer includes listening to God: how often do I let the communication center around me, my needs, and what I want? Too often. Nehemiah's example begs us to listen to what God wants us to do for Him; the results could be mind-boggling.

*If I do listen to God, how often do I actually do what He's telling me to do? Not enough of the time, unfortunately. Obedience is something that God has really empasized for me in Nehemiah. Not only is obedience a "lifestyle" of right living in Christ, but God does call us to do specific things, and not doing them, unfortunately, is sin. My prayer for whoever reads this and myself is that we will be more responsive to God's callings in our lives!

Who'da thunk 1 chapter would have so much packed into it!? God never ceases to blow me away with His Word and His words to me. I'm amazed!

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