Saturday, December 02, 2006


Have you ever thought of Jesus as eternal? Probably...we always talk about or hear about spending eternity with Jesus. But what about the other way...not the future, but the past? The fact is, Jesus was here before time began. He was not an afterthought...not a "quick fix" that God decided to use because His plans weren't working. Rather, He was planned all along! And, God sent Him at exactly the perfect time (God's timing is perfect, after all!)
Here's what Paul says about this:
"This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time..." 2 Timothy 1:9
So Jesus really is Alpha, Omega, Beginning, & End. He is EVERYTHING. God's gift of Christ is not inhibited by time or era. Isn't that amazing!? :)
This is in the Bible over and over again, and you can trace a thread of this Eternity of Christ throughout Paul's Epistles. A verse that my mom has been holding to for a long time is Colossians 1:17- "(Christ) is before all things, and in Him al things hold together."
I just love this, because our hope is everlasting...because Christ is...He is timeless!
Also, just a side note, I am so thankful for God's perfect timing. For some reason, we live in the age where Christ has been revealed to us...God sent Him to live with us, even. How thankful we should be!

Emmanuel: God with us.

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