Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Thank You

We do have such a high priest (Hebrews 8:1)

J-E-S-U-S, YES! He is the King of me...

This is not merely a fact. This is something I have put my hope, my trust, my joy, my life, and the center of my being in. He is my High Priest. The way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6)...the way to the Father. High Priest.

Jesus. Perfect. Willing to offer up Himself.

*in awe*

Right now, God has said and is saying so much to me about this. Not something that can be put into words, that's for sure. He is enthroned in my heart--thus, He speaks to my heart in ways I can't describe, even when some things in life get me down (or whatever you want to call that). But...Christ is the anchor for our souls, what hope we have if we want it!...and we do have such a high priest...!!!! and He is eternal--when we place our faith in Him and have a relationship with Him, our redemption is eternal--wow I think I can rest in that right now! I can't "redeem myself." But He already has.
Even though I skipped Spanish class this morning out of sheer laziness and complete self-centeredness...He redeems me. It's present continuous tense here, folks!
I just can't stop saying Thank You.

God has blessed me so much.

Be strong for me, sweet Jesus.

"With every breath that I take
Ever moment I'm awake
My heart is beating--
-Paul Wright

eternal g&p

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