Some of us seem to do quite well, hobbling around on our own. But it's pitiful, especially when there is someone who can help. And some of us never even get up off of the sidewalk, because we can't. So what can we do about this crippled state of life? Not much. In fact, we can't do anything at all.
It's only Christ who can help us, who can heal us.
"By his wounds, we are healed..." 1 Peter 2:24
He offers this healing to us, but it is not automatic. It takes an acceptance on our part. Not acceptance because of our human greed, but acceptance because we see the love of The One who offers us this healing. It's about the healer, not the "healee." He waits for us to come.
This healing does not consist of a crutch, a wheelchair, or a cast, so to speak. It is eternal and it is deeper than just a "remedy" or a quick-fix. It's a miracle. It is the love of God manifested--and it is perfect, because He is perfect.
There are so many things that I'd love to write about this, but I think it would only serve to take away from God's glory rather than to further it. It's all about His glory--when we are healed, He is glorified. When He heals us, He is glorified. It's all about His glory displayed in our lives. We can, thus, quit limping around, instead serving Him, rejoicing, and basking in the Healer's mercy and grace and unlimited love and power.
To God be the glory, great things He has done
So loved He the world that He gave us His Son
One thing I will add, because it did come to my mind, so maybe God wants me write this. The Gospels consistently tell of Jesus' power to heal and how He uses it. There are (at least) two accounts of the healing of a Canaanite woman's daughter who was demon possessed--See Matthew 15:21-28 and Mark 7:24-30. It was because the woman's faith in Christ that Jesus healed her daughter. Our healing, thus, is directly dependent upon our faith. Just an interesting concept. Also, there are countless tellings of the miraculous healings that Jesus performed.
He's still in the business.
Physically, sometimes. It glorifies Him.
But it goes more than skin deep.
Lastly, I'll conclude with this.
God is not my crutch.
I don't need a crutch--I am healed.
He is my rock, my anchor. My JOY. My King.
And I love Him.
Now I can run into His arms.
One day, if the LORD decides to send one of His warriors into my life clad in His armor, so that it might glorify Him more, I will rejoice in His blessing--perhaps in marriage, and God-willing, in parenthood. That's got to be one of God's most amazing gifts.
For now, there are relationships that I rejoice in, because in these relationships we are seeking to honor the Lord and glorify Him more. They are blessings that I recognize in my life that come from God alone. Nope, no "boyfriend." (Yes, that word makes me a little hesitant.) But I do have boys that are friends. God has been so gracious to provide these for me, and I am thankful. I know that God's timing is perfect, and that the right "love" relationship will not form until I am ready and until that precious young man is ready. If it is not in His timing, it won't be glorification of Christ. This said, I am willing to wait.
Praise God. Glory to God in all circumstances!
We give thanks to you, with gratitude, for lessons learned in how to thirst for You -Nichole Nordeman
1 comment:
Amanda, that's an incredible blog... if i said any more i'd ruin it so i won't.
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