Sunday, January 22, 2006


“8 Keys to Knowing God’s Will”
-Dr. Wilton
*2 Corinthians 1:12-24

5 Steps that must be taken:
1-Talk to God: He wants to have a conversation with you
2-Read the Bible: when you read, He will speak
3-Listen to Godly advice
4-Look at the end result: will it result in pleasing and glorifying God?
5-Take action: don’t doggy-paddle; God opens doors, God closes doors. God
loves us enough to show us His way!

How do you know you are in God’s will?
1-Your conscience (the Holy Spirit) will be clear *troubled mind?*
2-Your conduct will be holy and sincere
3-Your source will be certain: not according to wisdom but to God’s grace
*God makes the decision
*Look for peace
4-Your confidence will be sure
5-Your plans will be serious: if you can’t write it down, you’re not serious!
6-Your promises will be firm: God is involved!
7-Your witness will be God
8-Your faith will be strengthened: standing firm

So I accidentally slept through church this morning, which I feel horrible about. When I told my brother, he laughed at me. A simple, humbling reminder that I am not and will never be self-sufficeint. He is everything. That's it. "I AM"-alpha and omega-provider-EVERYTHING. The core of my being. The core of the universe. Now if that's not amazing...what is? And yet we still cease to be amazed. !!!!

So God is just using everything in my life...left and right. I am learning so much through people I never would have thought that I would meet. People that I don't even really know. It's quite amazing. Thanks be to God for those people He has sent to encourage me, because only He knows how hard of a time I have at PC. And I'm just glad to have friends and family that really love me, no matter what...almost. It's a HuGe reminder that He loves me supremely.


hrist. More than enough for all and anything I could ever think of doing. More than enough. And he provides who we need when we need them...

My security is in Christ, even though I am so insecure. Thank you God for reminding me of that! I just have to keep myself from defaulting to myself. Christ is in me. Shouldn't I know better.


Oh well.


Praise God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

may i say "wow" ! :) i love that last "Guilty- oh well- Grace- PRAISE GOD!!" Amanda- you truly remind me of when the bible says "filled to overflowing" with the Holy Spirit- and with God inside of you= there is NOTHING you cannot do or overcome!! "Greater is He that is in you than he who is in the World" !!!