And some days we win.
Some days we sluck through the mud, and without expecting
it, God gives us joy, even though we don't deserve it.
He takes our face in His hands and says, "My child. Quit
looking at the mud. I've given you galoshes. Don't worry
about that. Just look up at me!"
How AMAZING is that!?!
So, I was really struggling today. My fault. I focused on how pitiful
I should feel for myself, rather than focusing on God's glory. Maybe
that's why He made me so tired this afternoon that I had to take a 2 hour
nap. He knew I wasn't going to do His kingdom any good unless I was knocked
out for a couple of hours.
God does indeed have a very practical sense of humor. :) I was tired!
But I just thank God for His many blessings. I praise Him and live for
who He is...
"I live for you. I live for you..." -Rachel Lampa
Our God is so great, so strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot
do, for YOU!
It's late.
"Sing out His praises! Bless HIs name!..." -from Psalm 96
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