GOD, WHAT IS UP WITH ME!?!?!?!?!? take it.
I guess one of the things is how disheartening (is that a word...?) it is to see people who know about Christ and believe in Him, but only trust Him half-heartedly. Not that I am capable of trusting Him whole-heartedly...I am human and falliable...but I want to at least. I want to know my Saviour in His entirity. I want to be around and talk to people who are so in awe of Him that their purpose and life exists only in Him. It's this whole "grasping His greatness" thing. I think that sometimes we allow Satan to put spiritual blinders on the eyes of our hearts.
His glory far outweighs everything else.
If we truly could see Christ in all of His glory...
God is bigger than the air I breathe...MY GLORIOUS
He is my Redeeming King. If people could only fathom this. If I could only fathom this.
"I came here with a load, and I feel so much lighter, now that I've met you..."
That's what I desire. For this burden to be lifted from my heart. But I have a feeling that it is not going anywhere for a little while. I am being called to deal with it and it would just be much easier to ignore it. I guess this is what I get for asking God to help me pour my heart out to Him only and to really give me a desire to pray for my friends.
Funny thing, it is.
One of my friends sent me a message. She's like my "bestest" friend in the whole world. Her message was honest and truthful, but also it hurts me to realize that I have neglected our friendship recently. And I don't know why. What is going on with me????
God is still good. God still deserves the glory. But now it comes down to my choice of rejoicing or not. God, thank you for making us sensitive to burdens, even though sometimes it feels like hell. Thank you for friends who are willing to forgive even when they know we have neglected to talk to them. Thank you for giving us your Word. Thank you that we can seek your face above all else, because "our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all..." (2 Cor. 4:17/18ish) Thank you for giving us friends that encourage us and that we can sense the Holy Spirit in...that connection allows for fellowship that we need desperately. Thank you for friends that challenge us even though we worry about them.
I love you Jesus.
You are my redeeming king.
It's all about Him. Even though my thoughts wander, and I am prone to wander.
Oh to grace, how great a debtor.
but Lord, may I rejoice in that.
"I don't know what's going on today. My heart is so heavy..."
Amanda, what's going on is you are trying to figure out the universe, the world, religion, life, everything... as though it's a problem and **you** need to solve it.
But it's not. It is what it is. Just be a good person, stop trying to figure out the answers, and enjoy the life you've been given. And maybe stop being so preachy...
one thing you're right about Rod- we can't figure out everything on our own- that's why we aren't God. This realization is why Christians turn to God- who DOES have everything figured out and not only that, that He is in control of everything. **we** don't need to solve it, because God already has.
It isn't my intention to preach here either- just to try and encourage Amanda and to maybe help you understand what she's talking about- it's actually incredible- and if you have the ability, there are more things to learn about God and enjoying life in what she is saying and in what she belives than anything else there is on Earth. I know because i have experienced it myself- i couldn't imagine spending a single moment of my life without Jesus ever since He has had control of it. It's as if i had never lived before at all! - i know it doesn't make much sense from your perspective, but that's alright- i shouldn't and don't expect you to understand. I'm praying (and i know Amanda is too) that God would give you a glimse of this life that we talk about - so that you can understand.
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