11th Commandment: Thou shalt not defraud thyself.
The book I'm reading, Lady in Waiting by Debby Jones, is helpful for young single women who desire to know more about purity and especially in the areas of friendship with guys, dating, and possibly marriage. In short, this concept is that I should cherish the God-given friendships that I have with guy friends without expecting anything else. Hard to do. And I'm guilty of doing that in the past. But I've done it in the past, and it's hard not to "dismiss" this concept because honestly I don't want to hear it right now. But that's okay. I'm trying to be responsive instead.
Another thing Jones places emphasis on is that we should, rather than thinking about the "future" of a relationship, focus on developing the present relationship. I think that's true of all friendships, "relationships," et cetera...
We will never be content with any relationship, whether a friendship or a friendship that is blooming into something else...without Christ. We might be "filled" or have the feeling that we are for a short length of time, but Jesus is the only lasting thing. (Check out Hebrews 13:8) Right now I am just working on placing my motives before I even talk to one of my guy friends, and turning them over to the Lord before I make that phone call or send him that e-mail. If they are self-seeking, I shouldn't do it. And, this too, for me anyways, is a daily thing. No romanticization. My "knight in shining armor," if there is one, will be one robed with the Armor of God (see Ephesians 6).
And another thing for me right now is that I know guys need friends, too. With no assumptions and no pressure for anything else. And I am learning to appreciate that. America has kind of put a spin on this whole friendship thing that a guy and a girl can't be just friends (ever seen When Harry Met Sally?), which is false.
Jesus is the other side of me.
He is my security.
He'll be around for a while, too. ;-)
once again, WOW.. That's all i can say... b
whoops, that 'b' shouldn't be there (no pun intended)
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