We walk (live) by faith, and not by sight.
2 Cor. 5:7
Or do we?
We should.
This faith is a result of the deposit God has given us to guarantee our eternity with Him, the Holy Spirit. (See 2 Cor. 5:5) It seems to be an assurance, of sorts, so that we do not lose heart or confidence in the glory and message of our Lord.
It makes me think of the theme that we often talk about in any kind of literature class- "things aren't always as they seem," & "appearance vs. reality."
As my dad told me the other day, "In the midst of it all, He is still our King!"
Okay, so another exerpt from The Listener is necessary. That book really impacted me a lot. Here it goes:
"We're about advancing God's kingdom. And if we aren't acting like Christ, then we're missing it. It's like we're children of the king, but we're living in a dirt shack and eating pig food."
He saw in their faces that they all understood. He saw the glow of excitement in their eyes, the tears of resolve and commitment.
"Once you start behaving like Christ, in every area of your life, it's like moving into the castle," Sam said. "You know you don't deserve that joy, but it's still yours. You are who you are. You have power and the inheritance and all the joy that comes with it. And once you feel that joy..." His voice broke off, and he looked down at his feet and struggled to rein in his emotions. "Once you have it, you'll never want to be without it again."
Eating pig food. Directly alludes to Jesus' parable about the prodigal son (or daughter!). We don't deserve the joy...but in the words of Oswald Chambers, "we thank God and accept the blessing, in communion with Him..." (paraphrased...)
Don't be without it.
Know it.
Soak it in.
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