So babysitting is going great so far. The boys are SO smart...God has really gifted them with true intellect and just knowledge of the world around them. Even at only 11 and 14, their integrity is so sound and their honesty is amazing. Man, their parents have definitely done something right in raising them. And even after only one evening of "playing mom," so to speak, I definitely know now that I do want to get married and have a family. It's just an amazing blessing from God, this thing that's called a family. Funny to think that at one time I had thought that the whole "having a family of my own" thing was not for me. Boy was I wrong.
Definitely, moms do so much. I really can't wait though. I mean, I can, but I am looking forward to everything, if God chooses to bless me in that way.
And, definitely, I see the effects of being raised in not only a household full of integrity and right living, but one full of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am not kidding, it is SO evident! These kids are blessed beyond their perception, I am sure! God is so good. Wait. Amazing--that's the word I was looking for.
So I keep reading over Philippians 3, and I find many things similar to Titus. I guess it would make sense, since they are both Pauline letters. But I think I've really been overlooking God's message here. Paul completely calls himself righteous and deserving from the legalistic point of view. But he casts of this "righteousness" of the law for the real righteousness of faith and that which can only come through Jesus Christ. In fact, Paul casts off such in order to "put (my) trust and hope in Christ alone." (Phil. 3:7, NLT) All of this "righteousness" that we can earn by doing good--it's "worthless." I never realized that what Paul was casting off/throwing off/abandoning was considered "good." These legalistic things were very acceptable at the time, as I fear that they still are.
In light of all of this, let's cast off ourselves--to honor Him and to share in His grace and glory and righteousness that are His alone.
"The righteous run into it, and they are saved..."
1 comment:
Hey! I just wanted to say that your IM this morning reached me at the perfect time :) going from calc to engr 130.. and it made me smile!! I hope babysitting goes well this weekend for you!
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