Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My Personality???

So I did this 3 question personality quiz thing...this is what it came up with. Of course, as "extensive" as this quiz was, I think some things are valid, but others night.

Your Personality Is

Idealist (NF)

You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.

You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.

You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.

In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.

At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.

With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.

As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.

On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.

Anyways, my spanish test went okay today. I think I should be fine gradewise in there for now. But I have an American Lit exam tomorrow, and I am not really sure what to expect. However, I do know that I will need to get a lot of rest tonight so that my mind will be producing comprehendable and lucid thoughts for Dr. Barr to read.

It's been a rushed morning, I guess you might say. A little stressful, because I do have a couple of books to read in the next two weeks. Not really looking forward to that, but it will get done eventually.

God is love. That's all I can really say about Him today. That's all He wants me to think about Him today, I'm guessing, because my ability to understand or to even think about anything else concerning Him is limited for some reason. Preoccupied? Bad priorities? Not sure, but He's teaching me something. Don't know what it is...

God is love.
God is love.
God is love.

Thank you, God, for being love, for having love, and for lavishing it upon us.
That's all I have to say.
I need a nap.



Anonymous said...

thank you, thank you very much

Anonymous said...


I enjoyed reading the 3-question thing, it was interesting. I decided I would create one of my own, pretty much especially for you (but maybe for any of your friends who are interested, too). Let me know what you think...

Question 1:

Agree / Disagree

**People, in general, often avoid relationships (or even spending time) with those who "wear their religion on their sleeves."**

I guess by this phrase I mean someone who talks openly and often about their personal relationship with Jesus, or Allah, or whichever God they favor. I think you know what I mean.

Question 2:

Agree / Disagree

**It's more important for someone to see that you are a good person, living your life in an honest, ethical and caring way, than it is for them to know that you are a Christian.**

I guess what I'm trying to get at here is why people (like you!) are so forward in pushing the fact that they follow one religion or another. I think it's because they want others to see that they are a good person, living their life in an honest, ethical and caring way, for others to make a link between that lifestyle and their religion, and thus influence those others to adopt their lifestyle *and* religion. I know that's an abbreviated summary, but I think deep down it's pretty close?

Question 3:

Agree / Disagree

**It's more important, given a choice between the two, that people adopt your (honest, ethical and caring) lifestyle than your religion.**

If you agree with the proposition in Q1, that people often avoid relationships with those they perceive to be "overly" religious, then that suggests you would agree you have more chance to influence more people if you concentrate on just "being good" and letting that shine through. My theory here is that lots of people are "put off" by all that quoting from the Bible and so forth; and that your God won't mind one little bit if you put that to one side in your dealings with others, and just let your goodness do the work. My guess is that he's much more interested in having people live good lives than he is in chalking up "two more for my team."

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

well lemme see- 1. When i think about people wearing 'religion' on their sleeves it makes me think of the pharisees(jewish religious leaders in the New Testament) who were known to make a show out of how righteous they were in front of everyone- which is the kind of thing you're getting at here i think- and Jesus called them a "brood of vipers" - he definitely did not agree with their theology or attitude... so just keep that in mind when associating 'religion' with christianity- Christians are supposed to strive to live like Jesus and so we do not agree with someone who 'wears religion on their sleeve' - baptists call it 'bible- thumping' and i'll admit it is a problem amoung christians today- but it's not the way they should act.
2. We wouldn't be able to live 'good' lives without Christ. And also keep in mind that 'good' is not a concrete word- what you view as good i may not view as good and the person next door to us might not view as 'good'. And i do not know your background or how much you know about the Bible or christianity- but basically if a person is a christian, according to the Bible, he or she should live a life that honors Jesus- kind of like if i were a member of your family you probably wouldn't want me to do things that your family doesn't do, because other people would see what i do and associate it with your family. So as a Christian, yes, people should notice that i live a life that is different, but if they ask me why then i will tell them the truth- that it is all because of Christ and how he has taught me and changed the way i think and act-- one is not independant of the other
3. There is a fundemental flaw with all of the human race- known as sin, which is anything that is not good- according to God's standard, not ours. Sin seperates man from God, so that when he dies, there is only one place where his soul can go- hell. God doesn't want anyone to have to experience that, so since man cannot escape this problem on his own God made a way out that we can take- Jesus, who is the only way out which is the perfect image of God's love for us (that includes you Rod). If someone lives and does not take this way out= does not know Jesus and accept him, then that person will go to hell. It is not God's fault or God's will, but He is just, along with loving and so He cannot overlook sin. That is why that person will be punished- even though God does not want or desire to punish him or her. I don't want anyone i know- including you Rod- to have to experience hell (which is significantly worse than anything on this earth, contrary to the phrase). That is why i would rather have a person choose Christ than to just simply live that lifestyle.

that is probably more of an explanation to my answers than you wanted, but it's the truth.