Well, a lot of things have been going on lately. It seems like school started a week or so ago, but it's been nearly a month! I'm glad for this time to be going by quickly in most ways! :)
So why am I writing today...? I've asked myself the purpose a couple of times before i actually sat down to the computer. Basically there's just been a lot on my mind lately. This past weekend was AMAZING in so many ways. If you knew the complete circumstances, you'd probably question that adjective, but because God is in control and completely sovereign...I can still say that it was amazing.
Friday was good, but a hard day. I had planned to go to Ms. Anita's lake house Friday after my chemistry test and my roommate was thinking of going with me. All that I need to say anyway is that God knows what we need! I mean, He already sent His son to die for us...and he continues to take care of the needs that extend beyond that, so to speak. (Okay, I know that Chist fills our every need...) But I guess what I am trying to say is that God cares about the little things going on in our lives. It's true! It's funny because I've been reading about Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. Jesus cared. And did you know that Mary's prayers moved Jesus? She fell before Christ on her face, and it impacted Him because of His love and compassion for her! Wow. Paige probably won't read this, but dear, there's one of your answers to your question, "Why do we pray anyway?"
So Friday was definitely a day that I needed rest and just, well, Ms. Anita! Aside from having spent somewhere past 6 hours in the library on Thursday (by the way the test seemed easy after all of that studying, but i'll have to verify that when i get my grade back, haha...:) ) and just being challenged in a way i never thought i would be Friday afternoon...God was just calling me to rest in Him and trust Him and just fall into His open arms that were waiting to comfort me! It would have been really easy to blow things out of proportion or just be a little bit bitter and angry with God, but that wouldn't have benefitted anybody. To be loving in what you say and what you do isn't always automatic, even if you love that person. Sometimes you have to reach beyond your feelings...it is challenging indeed.
Saturday was wonderful, too. I got to see my sweetheart :) in Clemson and spent the entire afternoon with him. God has really blessed me. Ryan deserves so much better: someone more confident, and loving, and ready. But I love him dearly and I am really just excited that God has even allowed me to be with him. 3 months already? Wow. The biggest thing for us i guess is just learning how to balance this relationship in addition to regular college stuff (which is already a lot to learn to keep up with). But God will never give you more than you can handle (thanks, Ms. Anita!)...I trust that.
Saturday night was a tad emotional for me. I won't go into detail. I just am not a highly social person, and I really don't see any need to go out to the fraternity houses. I'd rather just hang out with people without alcohol. Eh...nobody wants to hear this so I'll stop. But sometimes I just feel void of support in that here at school. That can be tough.
Sunday--> I don't even know where to start. If you want to know, ask me about it! I'd love to share some things that God has brought me through in the past year! I heard an amazing testimony and sermon Sunday morning that dealt with some similar issues that I have battled. I am so thankful for those who support me in times of need...God has put you in my life for many reasons and that is one of them...sometimes I need that emotional and spiritual support. I hope that I can be half as supportive in your lives as you have in mine! :) *tear*
I should probably go walk some! It's good for me...and I really do enjoy it.
1 comment:
Dear, I'm so glad that you have the heart to see the good God does in the hard times... and i'm sorry that i have been a cause of some of the things you go through.. i do want to thank you for responding the way you did- God knows what i need to evidently!! Thank you for loving me- in spite of all my faults and failures!! .. and there's no one else that i would want to be with than you!!
I want you to know that you are an amazing encouragement to me!! Keep seeking Him with everything you have!! I will do the same- and meet you there with Him!! Gaurd your heart in Jesus- and keep lovin him like you do! :) :D
** I Love You!!! **
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