Well, today was kind of a "full" day. But I think I've been introduced to a new and more challenging concept of full. Not that this is something I haven't ever been exposed to, but today it just hit a new heart nerve.
So many times we go out intending to "do good works" in the name of Faith in Christ, definitely something that I admire in a lot of committed Christians. But a lot of times, this oppourtunity comes unexpectedly. How willing are we to drop everything we're doing...our whole agenda...in the name of Christ? If we plan it, because God gives us a vision, a job persay, beforehand, well I'd probably be more willing that if God just surprised me with a great opportunity to serve Him by serving others. But what about when it interrupts our busy day and imposes upon out set schedule????
Today, I witnessed many people driving by a perfectly good opportunity. I'm sure all of these people, or most of them, had the means to do this good work. More so than I do anyway. But I felt God nudging at my heart to take action. And so I did. I won't explain, because all of the glory goes to my Jesus, but it just made me think a lot about how I pass up other things in life that God calls me to because it's not convenient. Well, I'm pretty sure that it wasn't convenient for Christ to give up His heavenly throne for a cross. And we are to imitate Him. (See Philippians 2). But a simple action like this, that took maybe 5 minutes in all, with a reminder to that person that "Jesus Loves You!" sure is humbling. You know what was more humbling, though? He said, "Ma'am, I know. And Jesus Loves You, too."
My day might be full. Babysitting for 3 hours, doctors appointment, trying to pull together a bulletin board for camp, taking my brother and picking him up from junior high school, helping around the house....and the list goes on...
Regardless, God has provided so much for me. I am probably too well-fed. My day is full, I don't have to search for a purpose...He's given me so much to do and my purpose is ulitmately in Him.
To whom much is given, much is required. -See Luke 12:48
To end on a lighter note---
He said to her, “I’d like a cheese burger... and I might like a milk shake as well.” She said to him, “I can’t give you either.” And he said, “Isn’t this Burger Bell?”
--from Love Songs with Mr. Lunt
YOU SAW THE GUY WITH THE VISIONS OF CHEESBURGERS SIGN DIDNT YOU! If you did I definitely saw the opportunity as well. I just really wish i could have gotten over all the lanes of traffic to help him out. If you didnt see him there was this homeless man standing on the side of the road that said "Visions of chessburgers" Strange coincidence! Love ya sis!
yes, that is exactly where that came from! :)
talk to you soon!
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