Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Simon Peter asked him, "Lord, where are you going?" Jesus replied, "Where I am going you cannot follow now, but you will follow later." Peter asked, "Lord, why can't I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you." Then Jesus answered, "Will you really lay down your life for me? I tell you the truth, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times!" John 13:36-38

Wow--I identify with Peter so much...it's incredible. I guess I am often one to say "YES!" to something really quickly. But the fact is, not unlike Peter, I am human and I have trouble staying committed sometimes. Another thing about Peter that I really identify with is his desire to know what's going on. I am SO that way--I want to know what exactly God is doing and how He is going to use certain circumstances, et cetera.

God's question to me right now is "Will you really?"
Whatever He is calling me to--Will I really? I am so quick to say, "Yes, God! Anything for you!" But sometimes that probably doesn't come from a sincere heart. And the funny thing is, He knows my heart better than I do, and yet He is still patient with me! I have another interview today in a couple of hours, for a camp that isn't my first choice, basically. But...if this is what God calls me to, Will I really? I'd like to think so. Basically, right now I am committing to whatever God wants from me, not because He needs me at all, but because I need Him and I want to be used by Him...otherwise my life will be just a void shell.
You know, the funny thing is, when Peter said he'd lay down his life for Jesus, He had no idea that Jesus was about to go and do that very same thing for Peter...despite the fact He knew that Peter would disown Him 3 times. I find that absolutely amazing. This is definitely reassuring, and God is just calling us to trust in Him, no matter how many times we fail. We are human, and it happens. But He wants our delight to be in Him...our peace comes from Him alone. I praise Him for that! How comforting!
Something else that has kind of been in the back of my mind since last weekend--
Just because you fail at something doesn't make you a failure.
Interesting, huh? Because this world definitely says that when you fail, you become a failure. Not with Christ. The victory is already won!
So I guess this kind of ties in with Peter, also. Peter failed Christ (I'd say miserably, but...I can't even count the number of times I've denied Christ in some way--actions/thoughts/words/...), but yet Christ promised Peter an eternity with Him. Even after He predicts Peter's denial, He goes on to say, "I am going there to prepare a place for you." How incredible. The BEAUTIFUL LOVE of Christ. Failing does not equal failure, unless your hope is placed in not failing.

My hope is in Christ.
He has already won.


May God be exalted--My Glorious.

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