But--all things being in Christ--does God give us things to enjoy. Well, obviously...but within reason, right? That is something I am struggling with in my mind. I know the answer. But that's not what I want to hear. Because I can't fathom that!!!!
"He is who I want my God to be." -Newsboys
That means that I can enjoy friendships, family, books, movies, music...even Country and Rock -- and Coldplay and Aqualung...and Matisyahu!
And still live completley for Christ.
This is so hard.
This John Piper book is teaching me so much about what Scripture says about these kinds of things. A-Maz-Ing!!!!
Find out what it is that God has given you to enjoy today...while I venture to do the same.
Amen. "So-be-it."
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