Saturday, December 31, 2005

Facing My Fears...

First of all, for those of you that know me well, you know that I am absolutely terrified of heights. So it might surprise you to know that I went rock-climbing yesterday. I think I actually got to the top twice. Whew...facing my fears for sure. Sheer torture---not exactly---it was a lot of fun aside from being terrified for a few minutes of my life. =) Definitely puts a new spin on "givng Satan a toehold" and "Jesus is my rock!"
On another note, God is so good. Don't you love getting to know someone very deeply? And learning to love the "real" person rather than being infatuated with who you thought they's a mystery that I cannot explain. Loving them and yet knowing some of their deepest fears, most hidden faults, and knowing so much about them that you can hardly explain this "love" to anyone else. It's a combination of understanding someone so well and loving them through their hard times, and yet also knowing that you will never be able to understand them as a whole because they are so amazing. In short, that's a little of how I feel right now. And it's hardly a giddy feeling. That comes along sometimes, but...
it's really just the looking into someone's eyes, where sometimes words would only hurt the situation more, and understanding that with each other. And making yourself vulnerable...taking a risk of sorts. (Keep Proverbs 4:23 in mind...) But also allowing God to guard your heart and praying for His will alone in these kinds of conversations and friendships. Truly loving someone in spite of their faults that you know about, that you talk about...isn't that the kind of love that Christ has shown for us...every day of our lives? It's interesting how my friendship with this guy is so much like my own relationship with Christ, and hopefully his too. In addition, letting this guy see "the other side of me" that not many do, because I am so scared of rejection from others. Being vulnerable...and loving each other in it. Even if it is only's an amazing thing. People are so complex. Thank you Jesus. To truly love and love deeply is one of the greatest gifts of life (I'm pretty sure someone has said that before...)

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